How to Get Involved
The South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) recognize that community participation is an integral part of all stages of projects, therefore a comprehensive Public Involvement Action Plan (PIAP) has been developed for this project. The outreach program was implemented during the Concept Development (CD) Study and will continue through the Preliminary Engineering (PE) Phase and future Final Design and Construction Phases to include local officials, community stakeholders, agency representatives, and the general public in the transportation improvement process for this widening project.
Upcoming Public Meeting
The next Public Meeting will be held during Final Design which is anticipated to be initiated in Winter/Spring 2025.
To receive an email notification about future public meetings please visit the Contact Us page of this website and sign up to receive project updates.
Project Progress
Initial Stakeholder & Public Information Center
Initial Public Comment Period
Selection of Preliminary Preferred Alternative
Environmental Clearances
Advance Preliminary Preferred Alternative
Conduct Preliminary Engineering
Continued Public Outreach & Involvement
Finalize Design and develop Construction Documents
Secure all Environmental Permits
Advertise, Bid and Award Contracts for Construction
Continued Public Outreach & Involvement
Implement & Complete Construction
No Long-Term Detours Anticipated
Two Lanes to be Maintained Each Way
Continued Public Outreach & Involvement
*Notes current phase of project.