Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of the project is to improve the overall traffic operations and general safety along the corridor while minimizing environmental, right-of-way, and structural impacts. The need for the project is to alleviate the recurring congestion, particularly during the peak summer periods, which has resulted in an excessively high number of rear-end and side-swipe crashes. In addition, existing substandard geometric features and aging infrastructure will be improved.

The project aims to improve mobility, safety, and quality of life, improve access to employment, and increase efforts for economic competitiveness, while minimizing impacts to the environment, access, right of way and utilities.

Currently, the AC Expressway within the project limits operates poorly during the summer weekend mid-day peak periods with the Route 42 interchange experiencing high density of traffic in both the EB and WB direction. The Future Year 2045 was analyzed, and traffic operation will continue to degrade during the weekday AM and PM and summer weekend mid-day peak periods. Providing a third lane in each direction will mitigate the weekday commute and summer traffic congestion and increase mobility in the South Jersey region. 

The project will add a third lane in each direction from milepost (MP) 31.6 (Interchange 31) to the western terminus at State Route 42 MP 44.2 (Interchange 44) in Washington Township, Gloucester County, and Gloucester Township and Winslow Township, Camden County. Improvements will continue along Route 42 up to the overpass of College Drive.

The project is currently in the Final Design Phase.

The CD Phase was used to define the Purpose and Need Statement for the project and included data collection and initial stakeholder coordination. The major objective of the CD Phase are to identify and compare reasonable alternatives and strategies to address the Purpose and Need Statement and select a PPA.

PE aims to ensure that the design of the project is proceeding in a reasonable manner and that the designer has considered all areas that can have a major impact on the design of the project. The PE phase will include the information that has been compiled for approval of the Environmental Document.

The anticipated start of construction is still being determined. We will update this website when more information is available.

During the Preliminary Engineering (PE) Phase, noise levels will be evaluated at noise sensitive sites, as defined within 23 CFR 772. The noise analysis will be performed in accordance with provisions set forth in the NJDOT Traffic Noise Management Policy and Noise Wall Design Guidelines, dated July 1, 2011. This document was developed in response to FHWA Final Rule; “Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise” published July 13, 2010 and effective July 13, 2011.

It is anticipated that the proposed project will have no significant impact on local air quality. The impacts to Air Quality are currently being evaluated and this information will be updated as it becomes available. The project is included in a long-range transportation plan that has been subject to Transportation Conformity. Therefore, conformity of the State Implementation Plan would be demonstrated, as regulated by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.

During the Preliminary Engineering Phase, it was determined that right of way takes are anticipated to allow for required stormwater management treatment along the project corridor. At this time, the acquisitions are primarily partial takes with the exception of one property being a full take. The full take consists of a vacant lot which is currently undeveloped. The remaining partial takes are primarily undeveloped, wooded lots with limited or no local road access. One identified partial take is an agricultural partial take with the proposed impact area being an unused portion of the parcel directly adjacent to the project area. During the Final Design phase the project design will be refined and the right of way process will be initiated.

This project is being primarily funded by Transportation System Revenue bonds issued by the South Jersey Transportation Authority.

Please refer to the How to Get Involved page on this project website.

We encourage anyone with questions or concerns related to the project to attend the public meetings. These meetings allow local residents to voice any concerns ahead of time and provide our team the opportunity to include any possible solutions during design.

Please refer to the Contact Us page on this project website.

Project Progress

Initial Stakeholder & Public Information Center

Initial Public Comment Period

Selection of Preliminary Preferred Alternative

Environmental Clearances

Advance Preliminary Preferred Alternative

Conduct Preliminary Engineering

Continued Public Outreach & Involvement

Finalize Design and develop Construction Documents

Secure all Environmental Permits

Advertise, Bid and Award Contracts for Construction

Continued Public Outreach & Involvement

Implement & Complete Construction

No Long-Term Detours Anticipated

Two Lanes to be Maintained Each Way

Continued Public Outreach & Involvement

*Notes current phase of project.